Lorenzo Sacchi

Introducing Lorenzo Sacchi

Lorenzo Sacchi obtained a degree in Mathematics at UNIGE, with a thesis entitled “Meccanica Celeste e Teorema KAM”. In 2023, he earned his Master’s degree in Mathematics at UNIGE (in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT) with a thesis entitled “Tactile exploration on Hannes prosthetic hand”.

In the meantime, he worked as a fixed-term professor at the scientific high school M.L. King of Genoa. From December 2022 to February 2023, he performed an internship at IIT, and for several years he was a scientific animator at “Festival della Scienza” of Genoa. Since 2020, he has been a tutor for the Department of Mathematics of UNIGE, to help new students during the course of their study. 

Lorenzo Sacchi
PhD Candidate